Whatsapp with the WeChat Ban?


Whatsapp with the WeChat Ban!?!

Trump’s executive order, was expected to target TikTok …but when it was announced this week, WeChat was thrown into the mix. Putting aside all of the legal, extraterritorial and business implications of this (potential) ban on WeChat…

What channels will WeChat users in the US now turn to?

With China’s restrictions on all global messaging systems (WhatsApp, Line, Telegraph), it’s going to be an interesting space to watch.

If the ban is actually put into effect - most existing users will simply do what their friends and family in China do …which is to use VPNs and continue using the apps that matter most to them.

But should the EO be implemented with real “teeth” (posing risk of legal action), people will continue turning to LINE - the Japanese messaging app.

LINE stands to be the biggest beneficiary of new users. It is most similar to WeChat in terms of UI and functions and has enjoyed a growing contingent of Chinese users Worldwide (prior to this proposed ban).

Chris Baker