It’s Apple’s Turn to Follow WeChat


It’s Apple’s turn to follow WeChat.

Over the last few years, Facebook has been following the moves of WeChat closely, playing catch up on social commerce/mobile social. Now it's Apple’s turn.

Yesterday, Apple unveiled "App Clips” as part of its iOS14 update. AppClips - like Android’s “Instant Apps” - are built around the “Mini-Programs” concept that WeChat put into use 3.5 years ago.

App Clips are lite apps which don't require users to download fully weighted apps - saving storage space on phones, allowing for rapid access.

For brands, App Clips are quickly/easily built around touch points to provide services through Apple/Apple Pay, and are discoverable through Web browsing, Chats, and offline - from scanning QR codes and at Apple Pay points-of-sale.

For users in China, this is old news. WeChat is way, way ahead in bundling services and commerce (ride hailing, ecommerce, financial products, games…etc).

This is an important move by Apple, both in China and Globally. They've watched as China’s app markets have transitioned to lite, mini-apps and cannot afford to watch the same global transition play out (with FB, Google, Amazon).

To understand marketing’s future, have a close look at what’s happening in China!

Further details:

Chris Baker