We have assembled a database of nearly 1,000 of the World’s top DTC brands.
WHY? Because, these digital native, Direct-to-Consumer brands are beacons of innovation and digital-first strategies.
The insight from analyzing these brands and the categories they occupy are deeply valuable - for both traditional (incumbent) brands and for other DTCs.
We will be sharing insights from this dataset regularly, as we continue to add; (1)more brands, (2)depth and detail, and (3)the perspective of time.
To start, a few critical, top-line learnings:
- DTC brands are remarkably local (most traffic and sales come from near home) - Facebook is (by far) the number one channel for DTC brands (97% use it) - Almost 50% of all traffic for DTCs comes from Facebook - Only 38% of DTC brands sell on Amazon
This data proved invaluable in putting together our report about how DTC brands have responded to COVID” (Download here: https://bit.ly/3ajz9J3).
With future reports and playbooks we will continue to pull from this Database, and answer questions related to categories, geography, and specific strategies of leading DTC brands.