Retail Staff Support Sales as "Digital Agents"



During Covid, ANTA Group launched a “full-staff retail” project with its 30,000 employees (and distributors) working together to support the shift to online sales - as “digital agents.”

These 30,000 “agents” who normally work offline in retail, are supporting sales through WeChat, across an array of private communities (chat groups). 

Each “agent” was given a personalized QR Code, which they can share into group chats and social channels. The codes - which can be attributed to the “agent” - lead customers to ecommerce shops. Sales are then tracked back to the “agent”, to give them a portion of each transaction. 

In a sense, each employee has turned into a mini influencer, helping to guide customers to the right purchase. This is a bold example of how (some) brands are re-creating customer engagement, sales and support through digital channels.  

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Totem has been steadily following the direct-to-consumer space and we have been taking a look at what strategies brands and companies are taking on. Especially during COVID, many DTC companies have discovered unique approaches to reaching and engaging with customers. Here is one example of a successful approach adopted by a DTC brand.
Chris Baker