Not all channels are created equal


Some channels - such as DOUYIN - amplify content quickly, creating rapid attention and excitement, with attention dropping as quickly as it rose.

Other channels - such as WECHAT - are less good at creating peak moments of excitement with large audiences BUT instead permit time/space to create quality discussions and trust with audiences

A couple thoughts on matching brands with channels:


- Converts excitement to action

- Great at creating rapid awareness

- Very effective for impulse purchases (fashion, beauty, hobbies…)


- Well designed for building TRUST …cultivating audiences & WOM

- Better for creating more thoughtful engagement

- Effective for supporting higher-involvement purchases (luxury, travel, home/baby, IT…)


- It’s running the risk of being overshadowed by Douyin and WeChat, but…

- Supports discovery: highly linked to other channels & search

- Provides social proof: A hub to see what people as saying before purchasing on Tmall

Douyin social marketing
Chris Baker