Marketing in China is Different - Lesson for DTC brands


The most successful brands in China follow highly charged, digital-first playbooks. They are expert at scaling up customer engagement on digital, bringing awareness-consideration-purchase closely together, on platforms which support full-funnel activations.

Chinese beauty holding co, Yatsen (who is planning its US IPO ...see link below), and its signature brand "Perfect Diary" illustrate many of the key characteristics for winning, with:

- A full array of accounts (Weibo, WeChat, Red, Bilibili, Douyin)

- 48 million fans and a network of over 15,000 KOLs

- 70+ WeChat accounts funneling sales to Mini-Programs

- Private networks hosted by beauty experts

- Livestream consultations and product demo's

- Making sales accessible everywhere

DTC brands globally should take note of Yatsen and how other brands in China are reshaping marketing best-practices.

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Chris Baker