As livestreaming matures, brands are starting to invest in producing their own content on channels they control - with the aim of nurturing and growing equity with audiences.
In the past, brands outsourced audience relationships, running livestream campaigns through well known influencers. While this allowed them to jumpstart activities in the space, they paid a steep ‘rent’ to third-party influencers AND retained little equity. There are still scenarios where influencers are important, but brands should also be using live-streaming for; (1)customer service and sales, and (2)for building brand/audience affinity.
“Reality” style, scenario driven programs are likely to be the dominant form of branded livestream. The emerging formula features; a strong host (from the brand), interesting guests (often KOLs) and intriguing scenarios (choose your adventure).
Repeatable, sustainable video programs from brands have higher up-front costs (at launch) but hold the potential for much stronger ROI in the future (as the formula is repeated and KOL ‘rents’ are scaled down).