Global Brands Make Common Errors in Strategizing China


We speak with a lot of brands planning China market entries. And recently we have also been working with a lot of brands re-calibrating their approach to China.

China is a big prize. But it’s getting more competitive & costly by the day. Our research suggests that most categories have between 70-120 brands - the top 5-10 accounting for a > 35-65% share (report: Market share is becoming more concentrated, costs are rising & tactics are in flux. Middle of the pack brands are at risk of falling out of the race.

Global brands make common errors in strategizing China;

Under-estimating the competition

- Overestimating their own brand power
- Under-budgeting OR spending too much, too soon
- Focusing too much on sales AND too little on branding
- Not adapting to local tastes

There are also more subtle issues that stall the growth of promising brands:

1. Trust: how do you show you can be counted on?

2. Dedicated: do you serve a specific group/segment/need?

3. Energy: are your lights on bright... are you interesting?

4. Formula: is your path reliable/scalable?

Too many brands are still trying to do everything for everyone - trying to capture the big prize. Middle-of-the-pack brands (outside top 10) need to reflect on the race they are running.

Chris Baker